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Assignment Title: Investment Program for Sustainable Urban Transport in Colombia: Prioritization and Pre-feasibility
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- Not Country Related
Colombia’sNational Urban Transport Program(PNTU)has played a crucial role in shaping the mobility landscape of itscities through substantial investments inIntegrated Mass Transit Systems(SITM)andStrategic Public Transport Systems (SETP). Theseinvestments have supported the construction and expansion of high-capacitytransit corridors and feeder networks across the country.However,persistent operational, financial, and institutionalchallengesthreaten the long-term sustainability and efficiency of thesesystems.
This consultancy, commissioned by theWorld BankTransport Global Practice, aims toassess, prioritize, and structure aninvestment portfoliothat will drive the modernization and sustainabledevelopment of Colombia’s urban public transport systems. By conductingacomprehensive diagnostic assessment, identifying key intervention areas,and formulating strategic investment programs, this study will providearoadmap for future investmentsthat improveservice quality, financialstability, and environmental sustainability.
To ensure long-term viability, the consultancy willproposeinvestment programs for selected SITM and SETP systems, focusingonfleet modernization, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) integration,regulatory and institutional reforms, and co-financing mechanismstoenhance operational efficiency and financial sustainability.
Summary of Tasks
Task 1: Work Plan and Methodology
The consultant must develop a structured work plan andmethodology, defining the framework for data collection, stakeholderengagement, and analytical processes required to assess SITM, SETP, and otherupcoming urban transport systems.
Task 2: Diagnostic and Strategic Outlook for PublicTransport Systems
The consultantwill focus on conducting a comprehensivediagnostic of SITM and SETP, complementing the assessment already beingdeveloped by the National Government and the World Bank. The consultant willevaluate ridership trends, financial stability, fleet availability,infrastructure gaps, and compliance with national co-financing requirements.This task will also assess regulatory and institutional barriers that impactthe sustainability of public transport systems. The outcome will beadetailed diagnostic reportoutlining key weaknesses and investmentopportunities to improve efficiency, service quality, and financial viability.
Task 3: Investment Program for Public Transport Systems
The consultant will identify investment needs across SITM,SETP, and emerging urban transport systems, such as those inSan Andrésand Tunja. This phase will definepriority investment areas, includinginfrastructure expansion, intelligent transport system (ITS) integration, andfleet modernization. Additionally, the consultant will proposefeasibilitystudies, financing structures, and investment packages, recommendingalternatives for theNational Government and municipalities to securefunding and financing.The outcome will be astructured investmentreport, which will guide decision-making for long-term public transportimprovements.
Task 4: Technical, Financial, and InstitutionalRecommendations for SITM
The consultant will conduct an in-depth assessment ofaselected SITM system, formulating strategic recommendations forinfrastructure improvements, fleet renewal, and ITS upgrades. This phase willincludefinancial modelingfor zero-emission buses (ZEB), thedevelopment of standardizedprocurement frameworks, and the definition ofcontractual guidelines to ensure transparent and financially viableinvestments. The consultant will also propose strategies tostrengtheninstitutional governance, addressing operational inefficiencies and improvingfinancial sustainability. The final deliverable will be atechnical andfinancial framework reporttailored to the selected SITM system.
Task 5: Technical, Financial, and InstitutionalRecommendations for SETP
Recommendations for SETPwill mirror the objectives ofTask 4 but will focus on aselected SETP system. The consultant willevaluate the system’soperational, financial, and regulatory framework,identifying gaps that must be addressed to secure co-financing eligibility. Keyrecommendations will includeinstitutional strengthening strategies, fleetacquisition plans, and ITS deployment solutions. The final outcome will beatechnical and financial framework reportdesigned to enhance theefficiency, sustainability, and long-term financial viability of the selectedSETP system..
Task 6: Workshops and Executive Summary
The consultant will involve the dissemination of findingsthroughstakeholder workshopswithnational and localauthorities, transport operators, and financial institutions. The consultantwill prepare anexecutive summary reportconsolidating key insights,along with arepository of project documentation, data analysis tools, andsupporting resources. This task ensures that stakeholders are equipped with thenecessary knowledge to implement the proposed investment strategieseffectively. The final deliverables will include acomprehensive summaryreport, presentation materials, and a centralized database of project-relatedinformation.
The World Bank Group invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. for firms; CV and cover letter for individuals). Please note that the total size of all attachments should be less than 5MB. Firms may associate to enhance their qualifications unless otherwise stated in the solicitation documents. Where a group of firms associate to submit an EOI, they must indicate which is the lead firm. If shortlisted, the firm identified in the EOI as the lead firm will be invited to the request for proposal (RFP) phase.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Following this invitation for EOI, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the availability of funding.
Only those firms which have been shortlisted will be invited to participate in the RFP phase. No notification or debrief will be provided to firms which have not been shortlisted.
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