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The objective of the service is to provide logistical support to the Bank team for the study trip to Japan. The firm is expected to arrange and make payments for (i) accommodation, (ii) meals and coffee/snacks, (iii) domestic transportation, and (iv) interpretation services (Japanese, (Uzbek), Russian, English – TBC). The expected number of participants is 20 participants including three World Bank officials. The indicative size of the delegation shall be the basis for the contract, but the contract will be adjusted based on actual expenses including the number of participants and costs. The firm shall ensure all domestic logistical arrangements are made in accordance with meetings and facility visits in accordance with the agenda. The firm shall closely interact with the consulting company (which will be hired separately by the World Bank) who will arrange meetings and site visits
The World Bank energy team is inviting a firm that could provide logistical support to a study trip to Japan. The study trip will be participated by the delegation from the Government of Uzbekistan.