Electronic Submissions through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Assignment Title: Functional Analysis and Action Plan for National Inspections Resource Optimization
Assignment Countries:
To provide better and safer environment for doing business andquality control of provision of inspectors’ services, the implementation of theLaw on Inspection Oversight ("Official Gazette of RS," No. 36/2015,44/2018 - other law and 95/2018), a fundamental reform of the planning andexecution of inspection oversight in the Republic of Serbia has been started.This reform creates new requirements for inspections regarding the number andcompetencies of inspection personnel, material resources, and organizationalstructure. Furthermore, the new Law imposes additional obligations oninspection services, including risk-based oversight planning, regularreporting, and a preventive-educational approach towards supervised entities.To fulfil these obligations, it is essential to plan for an appropriate numberand qualifications of inspectors, as well as provide analytical, legal,administrative, communication, and IT support within inspection services,alongside establishing internal inspection control mechanisms. In 2018, thefirst Functional Analysis of National Inspections was conducted, resulting inan Action Plan for the Recruitment of Inspectors for the 2019–2021 period.However, due to systemic constrains (only 30% of the Action Plan was realized.
Therefore, this Functional Analysis ( full name: Functional Analysis of NationalInspections: Identifying Needs and Gaps to Develop an Action Plan for ResourceOptimization) is supposed to build on the previous one, with clearoutlook on real-life requirements when it comes to "rightsizing" ofthe National Inspections. In particular, the Analysis should encompass 50+different inspections outlined in the ToR and provide actionablerecommendations on how to address recognized gaps.
The Functional Analysis will consist of two separate analysis:
1) Analysis 1: Need Assessment ofthe Human Resources in Inspection Bodies, with:
a) Comprehensive assessment of human resource availability and gaps (with references to the 2018 Analysis and related regulations and if possible identified and comparable good practices) in inspection bodies, with recommendations for all state inspection bodies .
b) Action Plan for increasing inspections capacity (including through possible employment of new inspectors) developed, with plan for employment, as per the gaps identified in previous step a)
2) Analysis 2: Financial Impact oft he Inspectors’ Salaries Adjustments with:
a) Analysis of potential recommendations for the salary adjustments completed and estimated budgetary impact report prepared
b) Impact analysis of implemented eInspektor system on efficiencyof Inspection Bodies with focus human resource requirements before and afterdeployment.
The World Bank Group intends to finance the assignment / services described below under the following:
- BB: Bank Budget
- TF0B6241: EU2020
Eligibility restrictions apply:
- The vendor will be a local firm, registered in Serbia
The World Bank Group invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. for firms; CV and cover letter for individuals). Please note that the total size of all attachments should be less than 5MB. Firms may associate to enhance their qualifications unless otherwise stated in the solicitation documents. Where a group of firms associate to submit an EOI, they must indicate which is the lead firm. If shortlisted, the firm identified in the EOI as the lead firm will be invited to the request for proposal (RFP) phase.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Following this invitation for EOI, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the availability of funding.
Only those firms which have been shortlisted will be invited to participate in the RFP phase. No notification or debrief will be provided to firms which have not been shortlisted.
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