Electronic Submissions through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Assignment Title: Consultancy Services for VRE Integration Analysis in Liberia
Assignment Countries:
1. Assignment Objectives
Within the context of theWorld Bank support to the Government of Liberia (GoL) of accelerating thecountry’s energy transition, the overall objective of this assignment is tosupport the World Bank in providing technical advice on VRE integration basedon candidates of solar PV investments, and battery storage.
2.Scope of Work
The assignment will focuson VRE integration in the Liberia grid. The Consultant is expected to be atechnical firm with extensive experience in (i) technical expertisespecifically on VRE integration (load flow analysis), and (ii) battery storage.The Consultants are expected to have an experience in Liberia, via the firm orspecific consultants added to the proposal. All documents will need to beproduced in English.
The scope of workcomprises of the following tasks, as follows:
Task 1: Data Collection
The Consultant is expected to develop an inception reportincluding the methodology of the assessment, all the data required, includingall grid information, and a list of the existing generation projects as well asthose planned for deployment until 2034. The list of generation projects, andin particular PV projects, will need to be reviewed and discussed with theLiberia and the World Bank. As mentioned in the background, the World Bank withthe Government of Liberia developed multiple scenarios in Electricity PlanningModel (EPM) , the results shall be discussed with the consultants to decidewhat amount of PV shall be used as assumptions for 2028 and 2032. TheConsultant is responsible for the data collection and will need to haveappropriate time allocated to this task with local experts to ensure that allthe data is collected on time.
In the inception report, the Consultant shall present thelist of expected energy mix for 2028 and 2032 that will be used as baseline forthe assessment, and in particular the task 2: dispatch diagnosis.
The Consultant shall organize a kick-off meeting presentingits data request and its methodology.
Outputs: (i) excel sheet with data request; (ii) data collected in aonedrive folder; (iii) inception report; (iv) kick-off meeting.
Task 2: Dispatch Diagnosis
The Consultant shall:
a.With the support of GoL and LEC, replicate the entireelectrical network and system in an appropriate tool (DigSilent or PSSEdepending on what the GoL is using) and ensure that the model will betransferred to LEC. The tool shall be capable of co-optimizing generation andtransmission investments, including the interconnections with the neighboringcountries.
b.Conduct a dispatch diagnosis/power system analysis for 2024(today), 2028 and 2032 encompassing the technical and commercialconstraints that the dispatch and planning teams face and evaluate them incollaboration with LEC. This diagnosis would mainly focus on: (i) a review ofthe different power plants’ potential, import options, technical constraints,and contractual obligations that enhance or constrain their technical potentialto provide flexibility to the grid; (ii) transmission constraints as identifiedin coordination with LEC; (iii) energy losses in the system; and (iv)requirements for flexibility and production performance as stated in theElectricity/Grid Code.
c.Determine the operating reserve–both primary andsecondary–under Automatic Generation Control (AGC) using current methodsrequired for the integration in the power grid of the expected new VREcapacity, maintaining safety standards and security of supply in accordancewith national and regional regulations.
d.Estimate the extra generation capacity neededand the extracosts associated with fulfilling the new reserve requirements. Estimate thecost savings achieved with this new methodology in comparison with thepotential costs incurred applying the original methodology. Based on theseestimations, establish a comparison of extra costs and cost savings between theexisting and the new methodology for expected VRE capacities.
Outputs: (i) model completed; (ii) analysis in powerpoint formatincluding presenting the current situation (2024), 2028 and 2032; (iii)workshop in Liberia presenting the results; and (iv) a report in word formatpresenting the results.
Task 3: Grid Integration Study and other dynamic systemanalysis for VRE integration
The Consultant shall:
a.Agree on the location of the solar projects (3 locations tobe agreed).
b.Assessment each solar projects at their connection point,develop a: (i) steady-state analysis; (ii) rapid voltage change; (iii) shortcircuit current penetration factor; (iv) system losses; (v) transientstability; and (vi) other dynamic system analysis that would feed into thedispatch diagnosis presenting how VRE integration, and particularly the solarPV power plants impacts the grid and the current quality of the grid. TheConsultant shall develop a static and dynamic analysis, contingency analysis(such as N-1 for transmission and generation) and any other analysis deemednecessary by the Consultant for the grid after discussing with the Client. TheConsultant shall incorporate key grid parameters such as frequency, flicker,harmonics, reactive power, spinning reserve and voltage constraints.
c.determine the permissible amount of VRE to be injected intothe grid in Liberia without violating the network stability limits. This is inconsideration of the intermittent nature of the VRE system.
d.provide recommendations for improved system operation(dispatch, plant usage etc.), and identify grid upgrades needed for frequencyand voltage stability needed for the current grid, as well as BESS sizing forgrid support and sizing of the BESS for smoothing for each project (if neededat the injection point).
The Consultantwill conduct such analysis for 2028 and 2032 with 3 scenarios each (baseline,more PV, and more PV with BESS).
Outputs: (i) model completed; (ii) analysis in powerpoint formatincluding presenting the different scenarios; (iii) workshop in Liberiapresenting the results; and (iv) a report in word format presenting theresults.
The World Bank Group intends to finance the assignment / services described below under the following:
- BB: Bank Budget
- TF0C5311: ESMAP
Eligibility restrictions apply:
The World Bank Group invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. for firms; CV and cover letter for individuals). Please note that the total size of all attachments should be less than 5MB. Firms may associate to enhance their qualifications unless otherwise stated in the solicitation documents. Where a group of firms associate to submit an EOI, they must indicate which is the lead firm. If shortlisted, the firm identified in the EOI as the lead firm will be invited to the request for proposal (RFP) phase.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Following this invitation for EOI, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the availability of funding.
Only those firms which have been shortlisted will be invited to participate in the RFP phase. No notification or debrief will be provided to firms which have not been shortlisted.
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