Electronic Submissions through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Assignment Title: Central America SPF study - Data Collection Firm
Assignment Countries:
- Not Country Related
To conduct high-quality data collection across the study region, ensuring rigorous supervision, coordination, and administration of survey teams and related personnel. The firm will also oversee all complementary activities required to guarantee the effective, timely, and accurate execution of the fieldwork.
The researchquestions that the impact assessment will seek to answer include in impact assessment,but are not limited to, thefollowing:
·Evaluation Theme 1: Food and NutritionSecurity in Fragile and Migrant-Prone Areas
o Howare food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations differently impactedin migrant-prone, fragility-affected areas?
o Howare food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations differently impactedby environmental, market, political, and social shocks in migrant-prone,fragility-affected areas?
o Whatare the pathways through which these shocks influence household-level foodsecurity outcomes?
o Howdo these impacts differ across urban, peri-urban, and rural settings?
·Evaluation Theme 2: Migration as a Responseto Food Insecurity
o Towhat extent does food insecurity drive migration intentions in vulnerablepopulations?
o Howdoes the severity of food insecurity influence both the intention to migrateand the ability to prepare for migration?
·Evaluation Theme 3: Dual Impact of FoodInsecurity on Migration Preparedness
o Howdoes food insecurity shape the balance between the intention to migrate and thepractical steps required for migration preparedness?
o Underwhat circumstances does extreme food insecurity hinder migration preparedness,and what coping mechanisms do households employ when faced with theseconstraints?
o Howdo household resources, social networks, and geographic location differences affectthis balance?
·Evaluation Theme 4: Gender Dynamics OnMigration And Food Security
o Howdo gender roles and inequalities affect food security outcomes in fragile andmigrant-prone areas?
o Whatare the unique vulnerabilities faced by women and other marginalized groups inthese contexts?
o Howdoes gender influence migration decision-making and preparedness?
·Evaluation Theme 6: Policy and ProgrammaticInterventions
o Whatare the most effective policy and programmatic interventions to address foodinsecurity in migrant-prone regions?
·How can investment in the agri-food sectorcontribute to job creation, reduce migration pressures, and build resilience?
The World Bank Group intends to finance the assignment / services described below under the following:
- BB: Bank Budget
- TF0C5024: SPF2.0
Eligibility restrictions apply:
- [Please type list of restrictions]
The World Bank Group invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc. for firms; CV and cover letter for individuals). Please note that the total size of all attachments should be less than 5MB. Firms may associate to enhance their qualifications unless otherwise stated in the solicitation documents. Where a group of firms associate to submit an EOI, they must indicate which is the lead firm. If shortlisted, the firm identified in the EOI as the lead firm will be invited to the request for proposal (RFP) phase.
Expressions of Interest should be submitted, in English, electronically through WBGeProcure RFx Now
Following this invitation for EOI, a shortlist of qualified firms will be formally invited to submit proposals. Shortlisting and selection will be subject to the availability of funding.
Only those firms which have been shortlisted will be invited to participate in the RFP phase. No notification or debrief will be provided to firms which have not been shortlisted.
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