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The objective of this consultancy is to prepare the system design and detailed functional and technical requirements for the new Financial Management Information System (FMIS) and Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)/Payroll systems, covering core FMIS and HRMIS processes required by the Government of Yemen.
The World Bank intends to hire a consulting firm (hereinafter referred to as “the Consultant” or “the System Design Consultant”) for the design of new Financial Management Information System (FMIS) and Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) including a payroll module, as the first phase towards the development of modernized FMIS/HRMIS.
The objective of this consultancy is to prepare the system design and detailed functional and technical requirements for the new FMIS and HRMIS/Payroll systems, covering core FMIS and HRMIS processes required by the Government of Yemen.
This assignment will be completed in three steps by: (i) rapidly reviewing existing PFM and HRM/Payroll systems and practices; (ii) identifying process and information system improvements and comparing possible software development options (custom software or commercial software packages, including cloud-based and open-source platforms) with climate resilience in mind where relevant and applicable; and iii) preparing detailed requirements together with cost and duration estimates for the Internationally Recognized Government’s consideration. These detailed requirements will be a strong basis for preparing FMIS and HRMIS/Payroll bidding documents to competitively select relevant solution providers. The Consultant will not prepare any draft bidding documents.